Sunday, October 11, 2015


School is about to end and close up the year for studying and education.

 I have already taken my exams, however, I had missed two days of examinations due to constant vomiting ; food poisoning.

I was never a happy experience. Getting up in the middle of the night to get hunched over the toilet hurl your insides out. Never a fantastic sight or smell.

During that period of two days, my appetite was absolutely crap and my body clock was already long thrown out of the window. After taking medication on the first day, I somehow manage to vomit it out.

ಥ_ಥ  ಥ_ಥ  ಥ_ಥ

Barely getting enough sleep, even with medication. Getting sick like this especially during the exam period is definitely a suicide mission for my case.


I'm back in school feeling much better already. However, I was not allowed to re-take the exams that I missed out on even with a doctor's medical certificate. The exams that I missed results would either be pro rated or just VR. As the school wanted to follow the N -level way.

This is not good for my case as they would take my CA2 results which I completely screwed up badly. And because of this, may have to repeat the year.

I honestly did not ask to fall sick on the days of the examinations.

I extremely worried about what will happen in the near future. I do not want to burden my parents any further with having to pay another year of my education fees. They already have more than enough to worry about.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Weight Problems

I'm going to be talking about a topic that I have always thought would be extremely subjective and sensitive to some people, Weight.

I was always been considered to be 'chubby' and only being up to about 151 cm, it does make me look a lot fatter and shorter than the other girls. Of course I have tried to lose weight but it never seem to have last a long period of time.

I had even resorted to starving myself to become 'skinner'. Honestly, please don't do this to yourself. It will only make your body a lot worse than it already is. Seek guidance from a trustable adult.

There are methods to losing weight without having to starve yourself.

Having a good diet plan is a good way to start out and also having a work out schedule can help.

Looking back now, I realized that all of those did not matter at all.

Your weight does not  represent your worth. Remember that.

Your personality has power to uplift, power to depress, power to curse, and power to bless.

You are who you are and who you make yourself to be.

Your weight does not matter. It is what's on the inside that counts. Your personality should attract people to stay , not your looks.

Your body is not the problem.

Stay Beautiful.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Happy Birthday~!

Today is a day to celebrate your birthday, but on this very special day I want you to know how much I appreciate our friendship.
Only a true friend would be that honest.

True friends are like diamonds – bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style.

I really had a fun time when I went to Vivo City with my closest friend.

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.
I'm really blessed to have her in my life.

Thanks for listening to my rants and going out with me to eat and going shopping together.

The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.

Even though we are not in the same class anymore, a really huge thanks for making the time and effort to still manage to go out after school and such.

You are finally fifteen.

Forget the past; look forward to the future, for the best things are yet to come.

My best friend deserves the best birthday in the world, and my goal is to give it to you. Happy Birthday, and get ready to celebrate! The party starts as soon as we’re together.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Problem Solved : Crush Problems

Look who's back~


So my finals are coming soon and I'm wasting my time on the internet again *sighs*

I haven't even started my layout designs for my art work...

I got another short problem to give advice to today.

If you need someone to talk to or you just want to rant or ask for advice you can contact me (links in the description)

Let's begin~

I just walked back to my school after lunch and walked past a group of guys(same school, but I don't know them) and my crush. I just walked right past and avoided his gaze(and walked up a mini slope to avoid him when he walked towards the side I was on) and heard one the the random guys saying, "Ooh, she's avoiding you." Damn. I suspect they know about everything. And that's bad. Real bad. It's not the first time I've had guys I don't know(i suspect it's the same people) calling out my name whenever I walk past(and my crush is always with them).

Thanks for telling me this.

It must have took alot of courage to be strong when constantly disturbed and made fun of about this matter.

If you really cannot handle the fact that people are talking behind your back and making fun of you, I highly suggest that you talk to a trusted adult or teacher about this matter.

I'm sorry to break this to you but I suspect that your crush had already told them about your confession. I'm only basing this on the fact that they are people (Well mostly guys...) making fun of you.

Based on experience, the guy would try to 'brag' that a girl he didn't like confessed to him. He won't only say this to his clique but to other people as well to show that he is 'popular' or 'cooler' than the others.

Imagine, a boy you didn't like confessing to you. You would definitely tell your other friends about this matter and laugh it off as a joke am I right?

Remember that "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving " - Albert Einstein.

When you are going through hell, keep on going. Never never never give up. This guy is nothing compared to you. You have so much time to sharpen your skills and academic results.However, you are focusing on this guy again.

Remember what I said in my previous post when I said about crushes.

If you are planning on confessing to your crush in the future, think about it wisely before doing it. You can do whatever you wish I'm not going to stop you.

However, I personally will not confess despite how much I like the guy unless the feelings are mutual between the both of us.

Thanks for coming to me and asking for advice.

I hope you take into consideration about what I say.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Review : Ao Haru Ride

Image result for ao haru ride

Status: Completed


Admin's rating: 8/10

Image result for ao haru ride
Yoshioka Futaba has a few reasons why she wants to "reset" her image and life as a new high school student. Because she's cute, she was ostracized by her female friends in junior high, and because of a misunderstanding, she couldn't get her feeling across to the one boy she has ever liked, Tanaka-kun.

Now in high school, she is determined to be as unladylike as possible so that her friends won't be jealous of her. While living her life this way contentedly, she meets Tanaka-kun again, but he now goes under the name of Mabuchi Kou. He tells her that he felt the same way as she did when they were younger, but now things can never be the same again. Will Futaba be able to continue her love that never even started from three years ago?

What I like about Ao Haru Ride:

I enjoyed the art style of this anime.The art was very much perfect for the story.
The story all felt very realistic and the extremely good portrayal with me being able to relate to some parts.

"I'm [not] Fine" "I'm [not] Okay"

"I'm Fine"

"I'm okay"

I hate pretending that "I'm okay" or "I'm Fine".But it is one way of showing people that I'm strong even though everything just tears me apart.

“At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life”

Some people were just meant to give you a lesson, in the end  they will just past into your life sometimes the memories will always be in your heart.

I'm scared to tell people how much it hurts, so I keep it all to myself...

“Some of the most painful scars: the ones that hurt the most are the scars that can’t be seen”

Scars that can’t be seen are the scars that wounded our hearts. It may be healed but the mark of the pain will always stay.

"Every time people ask me if I’m okay, it’s just a reminder that I’m not”

Sometimes, we keep on telling ourselves that we’re okay and we live on it, however if someone would ask you this question it would make you think and realize that you’re not okay.

"I’m busy saving everybody else when I can’t even save myself”

Sometimes, I always think of the feelings of other people and what will be good for them without thinking about myself.

I just wanna feel okay again...

Sorry for ranting about my problems....

Thursday, July 23, 2015

New Theme + Why I Have Not Updated

As you guys probably have noticed that I changed the blog's theme from Pastel Galaxy to Alice in Wonderland.

Even the music bar and the blog's URL changed.

I honestly really love the new theme and I hope that I would not have to change it so soon.


Welcome To Wonderland!


I have not been updating regularly as I have been trying to focus on my studies (I'm a huge procrastinator) But now I'll try to make more time to blog and go online on social media.

There will definitely be more anime reviews that you guys can look forward to.