Monday, September 21, 2015

Weight Problems

I'm going to be talking about a topic that I have always thought would be extremely subjective and sensitive to some people, Weight.

I was always been considered to be 'chubby' and only being up to about 151 cm, it does make me look a lot fatter and shorter than the other girls. Of course I have tried to lose weight but it never seem to have last a long period of time.

I had even resorted to starving myself to become 'skinner'. Honestly, please don't do this to yourself. It will only make your body a lot worse than it already is. Seek guidance from a trustable adult.

There are methods to losing weight without having to starve yourself.

Having a good diet plan is a good way to start out and also having a work out schedule can help.

Looking back now, I realized that all of those did not matter at all.

Your weight does not  represent your worth. Remember that.

Your personality has power to uplift, power to depress, power to curse, and power to bless.

You are who you are and who you make yourself to be.

Your weight does not matter. It is what's on the inside that counts. Your personality should attract people to stay , not your looks.

Your body is not the problem.

Stay Beautiful.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Happy Birthday~!

Today is a day to celebrate your birthday, but on this very special day I want you to know how much I appreciate our friendship.
Only a true friend would be that honest.

True friends are like diamonds – bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style.

I really had a fun time when I went to Vivo City with my closest friend.

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.
I'm really blessed to have her in my life.

Thanks for listening to my rants and going out with me to eat and going shopping together.

The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.

Even though we are not in the same class anymore, a really huge thanks for making the time and effort to still manage to go out after school and such.

You are finally fifteen.

Forget the past; look forward to the future, for the best things are yet to come.

My best friend deserves the best birthday in the world, and my goal is to give it to you. Happy Birthday, and get ready to celebrate! The party starts as soon as we’re together.