Sunday, October 11, 2015


School is about to end and close up the year for studying and education.

 I have already taken my exams, however, I had missed two days of examinations due to constant vomiting ; food poisoning.

I was never a happy experience. Getting up in the middle of the night to get hunched over the toilet hurl your insides out. Never a fantastic sight or smell.

During that period of two days, my appetite was absolutely crap and my body clock was already long thrown out of the window. After taking medication on the first day, I somehow manage to vomit it out.

ಥ_ಥ  ಥ_ಥ  ಥ_ಥ

Barely getting enough sleep, even with medication. Getting sick like this especially during the exam period is definitely a suicide mission for my case.


I'm back in school feeling much better already. However, I was not allowed to re-take the exams that I missed out on even with a doctor's medical certificate. The exams that I missed results would either be pro rated or just VR. As the school wanted to follow the N -level way.

This is not good for my case as they would take my CA2 results which I completely screwed up badly. And because of this, may have to repeat the year.

I honestly did not ask to fall sick on the days of the examinations.

I extremely worried about what will happen in the near future. I do not want to burden my parents any further with having to pay another year of my education fees. They already have more than enough to worry about.